Increase Your Placement Chances
By 95%

Job Opportunities in India for U.S. Medical Billing
- 10,000+ Jobs Nationwide
- Very Few Qualified Candidates
Why such Scarcity of Candidates?
- Low Awareness of this Industry
- Very few Training Institutes in India
- Expensive On-line Courses with No Interaction
Who Qualifies for These Jobs?
- Any Graduate or Under-graduate
- Candidates with Basic Computer Knowledge
- Candidates with Basic Typing Skills
How can CMBC Training Program Help You Find a Job?
- Increase your chances of the interview and getting a job by more than 95%
- In just two months of training, you become a billing specialist that very few are
- Stand-out of the crowd and get recognized by recruiters and HR managers
For most of the medical billing positions, billing companies look for freshers with no prior billing experience. So, which means that anyone can apply for these jobs. Just imagine in such a scenario, for every job opening, the HR manager receives tons of resumes with almost similar work experience. So, how do you stand-out of the crowd and make sure that you get an interview call? With CMBC training certification program, your resume shows that you are a certified biller plus you have hands-on billing training also. This almost assures you of an interview call.
Training Cost and Return on Investment
The course fee is very nominal which you can recover within two months of your salary. The starting salary of freshers in medical billing industry is anywhere between Rs. 18,000 to Rs. 22,000 per month. There are very few professional careers in India where you can start earning with just two months of training.